It is therefore the Group‘s policy to do all that is reasonably practicable to protect its employees and others from injury, prevent damage to the Group facilities and other facilities in which it works.
- As a minimum comply with the requirements of all current relevant legislation, approved codes of practice and good working practices;
- Provide and maintain as far as is reasonably practicable, safe plant, equipment and systems of work;
- Maintain good general working conditions by the provision of adequate facilities such as heating, lighting and ventilation;
- Provide personal protective equipment where appropriate;
- Maintain a continuing interest in health, safety and welfare as they affect the Group’s activities, and in particular inform, consult and involve employees wherever possible;
- Provide such information, instruction, training and supervision that is necessary to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of our employees and others who may be affected by the work we do; and
- Take measures to protect all persons, whether employees or not, from risks to their health and safety.
Notwithstanding the above, every employee must consider the prevention of accidents as a prime personal responsibility.
The Group endeavours to impact positively on the communities in which it operates. In particular, raw materials are purchased from established companies who have high reputations within the plastics industry.
The Group’s corporate responsibility statement details the standards of behaviour which are regarded as acceptable. Provision of a safe, clean working environment, free from discrimination, is an essential right of all the employees. These are regularly audited to ensure the Group continues to adopt good manufacturing practices to develop and manufacture safe, legal packaging materials. The Group is often audited by its customers to assess compliance with minimum acceptable standards.
The Group is an equal opportunities employer and offers career opportunities without discrimination. Whilst acknowledging the benefits of diversity, individual appointments are made irrespective of personal characteristics such as race, disability, gender, sexual orientation, religion or age. Our policy and our working culture is to treat all employees fairly and equally regardless of gender, sexual orientation, marital status, race, colour, nationality, religion, ethnic or national origin, age or disability.
The Group is committed to providing and promoting equal opportunities for staff and job applicants. We are committed to creating a working environment which enables everyone to work to the best of their skills and abilities and without the threat of discrimination or harassment arising. As a Group we pride ourselves on treating all members of staff equally. All employees are required to comply with their obligations to promote working environment free from discrimination. Employees are expected to treat their colleagues, customers and members of the public as they would expect to be treated and respect the Protected Characteristics of others.
We have a good track record of promoting from within; many of our executive directors were promoted to the Board having previously served as employees. We aim to realise our employees’ potential by supporting their career progression wherever possible. The Group invests significantly in the training and development of staff and in education programmes which contribute to the promotion prospects of employees. We believe that these opportunities will help employees feel supported and equipped to carry out their role to the best of their ability.
Our employees can access a range of development tools or appropriate job-specific training within each area of the business. This includes:
- Job role-specific training covering technical, operational and skills training;
- Individually tailored training to address both an employee’s individual needs and specific business requirements; and
- Training in areas such as health and safety, first aid and manual handling to ensure our employees work in a safe environment
The Group endeavours to impact positively on the communities in which it operates. In particular the Group purchases raw materials from trusted suppliers who it recognises as obtaining the products through trusted, fair and sustainable methods.
Ethical concerns and human rights issues have always played an important role in the Company philosophy and the Group’s ethical and social accountability statement details the standards of behaviour which are regarded as acceptable. Provision of a safe, clean working environment, free from discrimination, coercion and harassment is a basic right of all employees, which Coral Products expects as a minimum standard of its business partners. The Group is often audited by its customers to assess compliance with minimum acceptable standards, including ethical and human rights considerations.
Coral Products PLC has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our own business or in any of our supply chains.
The Group is also committed to ensuring there is transparency in our own business and in our approach to tackling modern slavery throughout our supply chains, consistent with our disclosure obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We expect the same high standards from all our contractors, suppliers and other business partners, and as part of our contracting processes, we include specific prohibitions against the use of forced, compulsory or trafficked labour, or anyone held in slavery or servitude, whether adults or children, and we expect that our suppliers will hold their own suppliers to the same high standards.